The 31st International Exhibition AGRO 2019, the most important state level event of Ukrainian agriculture and the largest international agricultural exhibition of the CIS and Eastern Europe, was held from June 4 to 7, 2019, on the territory of the National Exhibition Complex “ExpoCenter of Ukraine” in Kiev. The main slogan of AGRO 2019 was “Farm in Ukraine – conquer the world”.
The exhibition was opened by the First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Stepan Kubiv and theActing Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Olga Trofimtseva.
The acting Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Olga Trofimtseva said during her welcome speech: “We want to create such conditions for farmers that their working in Ukraine will be comfortable and that they will be able to export their products all over the world.” Stepan Kubiv noted that in 2018 the volume of 70 million tons of crop was a record high. Ukraine produced agricultural products to the tune of UAH 850 billion and exported to the tune of USD 18.6 billion in 2018 alone. The share of Ukrainian products in the European markets increased up to 33.5%.
The exhibition was traditionally attended by the official delegations of numerous countries, the representatives of the embassies, Ukrainian ministries, central executive authorities, specialized associations, Ukrainian and international experts. Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman noted during his visit to the largest agricultural exhibition of Ukraine and Eastern Europe AGRO 2019, that Government support programs for the agro-industrial complex have a positive effect.
The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine has updated the Export Portfolio of the Ukrainian agrarian sector and presented the edition of 2019 year – #GROW UKRAINE export for U – at AGRO 2019. “The third edition of the export portfolio provides clear benchmarks for export of agricultural products. The document contains updated statistics on agrarian trade, the dynamics of Ukrainian export development, the list of product nomenclature and important contacts of branch associations “, Acting Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Olga Trofimtseva commented.
Traditionally in the frame of AGRO were held the specialized exhibition for agricultural machinery and equipment ExpoAgroTech, the specialized exhibition Agro-Transport and Logistics, the specialized exhibition for of livestock farming and veterinary medicine Animal’EX, the specialized exhibition Plant-Growing and Agricultural Chemistry, the specialized exhibition of organic products and technologies Organic, the exhibition of horse breeding and equestrian sport EquiWorld, the specialized exhibition for fish farming and fishery FishExpo, the specialized exhibition for alternative and renewable energy BioFuel, the specialized exhibition for automation, precision farming, and management, Hi-Tech AGRO, the specialized exhibition for agricultural construction AGRO BUILD Expo and the specialized exhibition of green buildings and eco-friendly houses ECO HOUSE.
More than 1,200 companies, associations and research institutes presented the latest innovations, products and technologies in agricultural machinery and transport, plant-growing and agrochemicals, livestock breeding, bioenergy, alternative energy, organic farming, and agricultural construction.
AGRO 2019 attracted exhibitors from 17 countries: Argentina, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA.
The group stands of 20 Ukrainian regions – Cherkassy, Chernihiv, Chernivtsi, Donetsk , Ivano-Frankivsk, Kharkiv, Kherson, Khmelnytsk, Kyiv, Luhansk, Lviv, Mykolaiv, Odessa, Poltava, Sumy, Ternopil, Vinnytsia, Volyn, Zaporizhia, and Zhytomyr – were presented at AGRO 2019.
More than 50 conferences, seminars and meetings were organized by Ukrainian Ministry, Committees, Embassies, associations and companies during the AGRO 2019.
Business program of AGRO 2019
The International Agrarian Forum “AGRO 4.0” was held in the frame of AGRO 2019 and the Ukrainian Export Week from June 4 to 6. It was held in the format of panel discussions, seminars and trainings in key areas: economy, development of agrarian sector of Ukraine, organic agriculture, new technologies and innovations, environment, logistic etc. Besides, the participants could take part in three forums – “Ukraine-Europe”, “Ukraine-China”, “Ukraine-Africa”, organized by the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The attention of participants of the round table “AGRO 4.0 Livestock State and Prospects” in the frame of AGRO 2019 was focused on the ‘Unified State Register of Veterinary Documents’ software program, which is currently being implemented in Ukraine, and on the actual issues of the current state of pig breeding in Ukraine.
The second Ukrainian livestock auction was held within the framework of AGRO 2019. At this unique event everyone who was interested had a chance to bid and to buy rare breeds of farm animals.
Representatives of the Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Israel, China and Ukraine shared their experience and introduced new technologies in the field of precision agriculture and digital agribusiness at the International Agro Innovations Forum 2019, which was organized for the third time within the framework of AGRO 2019.
A new standard for wheat DSTU 3768: 2019 “Wheat. Technical conditions” was presented at AGRO 2019. It takes effect on June 10 June 2019 before the start of the new marketing year 2019/2020 and will optimize and improve the regulatory framework in the areas of production, blank, store, processing, trade and determining the quality of wheat.
On June 4, the Non-Governmental Union “Agro-Food Council” was presented at AGRO 2019. It was created to protect the interests of Ukrainian agricultural industry and will become a crucial link in deepening the dialogue between the state and agricultural industry players be it is a small farmer or a high-capacity agricultural producer.
Official presentation of Road Map for Ukrainian berries sector development 2019-2024 took place at AGRO 2019 in the framework of ‘Eastern Partnership: Ready to Trade’ project, funded by the European Union as part of its EU4Business initiative.
Organic Round Table was traditionally held in the frame of AGRO on June 6.
The automobile festival AGRO AUTO SHOW was organized within the framework of AGRO 2019 for the second time. The festival program included presentations of the latest innovations of the Ukrainian car market, test drives of passenger cars and SUVs, as well as a country-style show program.
The exhibition attracted 186,000 visitors incl. 89,000 trade visitors.
The general sponsor of AGRO 2019 was Total Ukraine.
The official sponsor of AGRO 2019 was Corteva Agriscience, the Agriculture Division of DowDuPont™ which brings together DuPont Crop Protection, DuPont Pioneer and Dow AgroSciences to create a standalone agriculture company with leading positions in seed technologies and crop protection.
The exhibition AGRO 2019 proved once again that Ukraine is the country with strong agribusiness and strong farming culture.
We are pleased to invite you to take part in the 32nd International Agricultural Exhibition AGRO 2020 from June 2 to 5 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Stepan Kubiv opened AGRO 2019
“Starting from 2017, the Government, on the initiative of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, launched a unique state support program for agricultural machinery producers. This Program allows Ukrainian producers to receive partial compensation for the cost of their products, thereby making its final cost more attractive for Ukrainian farmers”, said the First Deputy Prime Minister.
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Government support for the agro-industrial complex has a tangible positive effect, says the Head of Government at AGRO 2019
For Ukraine, the agro-industrial complex is of peculiar importance, as the agricultural sector employs about 3 million people and our country enters the list of the leaders by export in the world, Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman noted during his visit to the international exhibition AGRO 2019.
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The 3rd edition of the Export Portfolio of the agrarian sector of Ukraine presented at AGRO 2019
Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine
Erarbeitung nationaler Strategiepapiere für den Agrarsektor: deutsche Erfahrungen für die Ukraine
Zusammen mit den anderen Projekten des Bilateralen Kooperationsprogramms des BMEL in der Ukraine präsentierte der Deutsch-Ukrainischer Agrarpolitischer Dialog (APD) seine Aktivitäten und Kompetenzen auf dem gemeinsamen Messestand.
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Agro-Food Council presented at AGRO 2019
On June 4, the Non-Governmental Union “Agro-Food Council” was presented at AGRO 2019. It was created to protect the interests of Ukrainian agricultural industry. The Agro-Food Council brings together associations and enterprises engaged in the production and processing of various agricultural products.
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Presentation of Road Map for Ukrainian berries sector development 2019-2024 at AGRO 2019
The International Trade Centre (ITC) presented the Road Map for development of the Ukrainian berries sector (2019-2024) in the in the framework of ‘Eastern Partnership: Ready to Trade’ project at AGRO 2019.
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Gastro-Tourism seminar at AGRO 2019
On June 6, within the framework of AGRO 2019, there was held a seminar “Gastro-tourism”, attended by representatives of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the EU project “Support for the development of the system of geographical indications in Ukraine”, profile associations, scientific institutions.
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World’s most powerful combine harvester Fendt IDEAL at AGRO 2019
AGCO Corporation presented the world’s most powerful combine harvester Fendt IDEAL at the International Agricultural Exhibition AGRO 2019 in Kyiv.
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LOZOVA MACHINERY presents 20 years of experience and effective innovations at AGRO 2019
The largest Ukrainian manufacturer of the tillage machinery LOZOVA MACHINERY presents a number of the latest developments at AGRO 2019.
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The first in Eastern Europe Massey Ferguson 9300 sprayer at AGRO 2019
AGCO Corporation presented the first in Eastern Europe Massey Ferguson 9300 sprayer and Massey Ferguson 2635 and 2630 compact tractors at the international exhibition AGRO 2019 in Kyiv.
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Global Track Warehouse at AGRO 2019
We are pleased to announce the successful completion of the AGRO 2019 tradeshow in Kiev, Ukraine! It was an invaluable experience for us as exhibitor. Wir waren letzte Woche mit einem Stand auf der AGRO in Kiew, Ukraine! Welch ein tolles Erlebnis, welch eine tolle Stadt und welch wunderbar entspannte Menschen!
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HARP presented new products at AGRO 2019
Kharkiv Bearing plant (HARP) presented the updated HARP AGRO UNIT hub bearing units and other solutions for farmers at AGRO 2019.
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Soft.Farm team at AGRO 2019
At our booth we told visitors about the new system and introduced the existing functions, such as cadastral registration of land, GPS-monitoring technology, satellite imagery and the NDVI index, agroscouting, cartograms, seeding control and others.
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“ORGANIC 2019” in the frame of AGRO 2019
For the eighth time, the Organic Exhibition attracted the attention of AGRO visitors, standing out among the variety of agricultural machinery with its light green colors and bright participants!
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Titan Machinery Ukraine at AGRO 2019
The official sponsor of AGRO 2019 Corteva Agriscience
Eskeeper at AGRO 2019