
In 2020, buckwheat production was the most profitable in Ukraine

In 2020, the profitability of buckwheat cultivation in all enterprises of Ukraine totaled 63% and turned to be the highest among all types of agricultural products. He said the profitability of buckwheat cultivation was 6.6% higher in 2020 compared to 2019. The overall profitability of agricultural crops production reached 17.4%, up from 11.8% in 2019, but down from 22.8% in 2018.
Source: Institute of Agrarian Economics


Ukraine cuts export of fruit and berry in 2020

In 2020, Ukraine exported fruit and berry products worth USD 238 million, which is 8% less than a year earlier, and is associated with quarantine restrictions and complication of customs procedures at the borders. 92% of total exports were frozen fruits and berries (USD 111 mln), walnuts in shell and without shell (USD 98 mln), as well as apples and pears (USD 10 mln).
Source: Ukrainian Agricultural Export Association (UAEA)


Sugar production exceeded 1 mln tonnes in Ukraine

Since the start of the season and as of January 4, Ukraine produced 1.003 mln tonnes of sugar. Producers of sugar processed 7.56 mln tonnes of sugar beet. 30 plants continue sugar refining in Ukraine as of reporting date.
Source: National Association of Sugar Producers of Ukraine (Ukrsugar)


Since 2010, Ukraine increased agricultural production by 45%

Since 2010, the volumes of agricultural commodities production in Ukraine increased by 45%, reported the Deputy Minister for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine, Taras Vysotskyi. According to him, to date Ukraine has the significant unutilized potential, despite the strong performance of the industry. In particular, Ukraine demonstrated the lower added value cost per 1 ha of agricultural land in comparison with such countries as Poland, Germany and France, and the agricultural export trading is mainly oriented towards the supplies of raw materials. Integration into the global economy with increasing of output of products with high added value is the key to the following growth.
Source: Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine


Ukraine increases fish catch by 10% in 2019

The total fish and other aquatic biological resources catch by fisheries of Ukraine in 2019 grew by 9.7% compared with 2018, to 97,200 tonnes. Fish industry enterprises in water bodies and on the continental shelf of Ukraine caught 51,500 tonnes of aquatic biological resources, which is 2.2% more than in 2018. In the area managed by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) fishing boats under Ukrainian flag caught 22,400 tonnes of aquatic biological resources, which is 48.7% more than in 2018.
In addition, last year, 14,960 tonnes of commodity products of aquaculture was caught. Special fisheries combining elements of aquaculture and industrial fish catch operate in Ukrainian lakes and water reservoirs. Almost 8,300 tonnes of aquatic biological resources were caught by them in 2019, which is 14.7% more than in 2018.
Source: State Fisheries Agency of Ukraine


In 2019, the share of agricultural products in the exports exceeded 40%

In 2019, the share of agro-industrial products in the general structure of exports from Ukraine reached 44.6%, and kept the leadership in its commodity structure. In particular, in 2019 Ukraine exported the record volumes of grains – 56.7 mln tonnes. Also, in the reporting period Ukraine shipped the record volumes of sunflower oil on foreign markets – 6.1 mln tonnes.
Last year Ukraine increased deliveries of agricultural products to all three key sales regions – Asia, the European Union and Africa. Asian countries imported Ukrainian agricultural products at the sum of 9.4 bln USD, the EU – 7.5 bln USD, African countries – 3.3 bln USD, and the CIS countries – 1.5 bln USD. At the same time, the shipment volume of domestic agricultural and food products also reached the maximum level for the whole time ever of the contemporary Ukraine.
Source: Institute of Agrarian Economics


Production of meat and eggs in Ukraine up

According to the State Statistics Service, farmers produced 322,700 tonnes of meat (live weight) in January this year, which is 4.5% more than in January 2019. Egg production in January 2020 increased by 7.4%, to 1.22 billion. Milk production in Ukraine in January 2020 decreased by 2.5% compared to the same period last year, to 545,200 tonnes.
Source: State Statistics Service


Allseeds became the leader in rapeseed oil production in Ukraine

In 2019, Allseeds became the leader in the production volumes of rapeseed oil in Ukraine, with the market share of 24.3%. In the reporting period the TOP-5 of companies-producers of rapeseed oil included the following companies: Oliyar with the share of 21.1%, PJSC Vinnitsa Oil Seeds Crushing Factory (ViOil) — 20.2%, Delta Wilmar — 12%, and GradOil — 7.6%. Generally, in 2019 Ukrainian enterprises produced 144.4 thsd tonnes of rapeseed oil.
Source: Ukroliyaprom association


Today Ukraine has 300,000 tonnes of potato storage facilities and lacks 1.2 mln tonnes of them

Ukraine today has potato storage capacities of 300,000 tonnes with the minimum necessary level to meet the domestic needs being 1.5 million tonnes, Director of the Ukrainian Association of Potato Producers Oksana Ruzhenkova has said. Over the past five years, 350,000 tonnes of storage facilities have lost their usability. The domestic demand is at least 1.5 million tonnes.
According to Ruzhenkova, this year the state plans to allocate UAH 400 million from the budget for the development of horticulture, and under this program, potato producers see the potential for using funds to compensate for the construction of storage facilities.
She noted that until 2014 domestic potato consumption in Ukraine was estimated at 7 million tonnes, now it is about 4.5 million tonnes with production standing at 20 million tonnes. The processing capacity in Ukraine is only about 250,000 tonnes of potatoes.
Source: Ukrainian Association of Potato Producers


Ukrainian companies increase poultry exports by 27.8% in January 2020

In January 2020, Ukraine increased export of poultry by 27.8% to 37,350 tonnes. Import of poultry and offal decreased by 20% and amounted to 9,350 tonnes.
Pork exports in January 2020 amounted to 101 tonnes, which is 20.2% more than in January 2019. Pork imports to Ukraine January 2020 decreased by 52.4%, to 991 tonnes.
As reported, Ukraine in 2019 increased export of poultry by 26%, to 414,490 tonnes. Import of poultry and offal increased by 0.6% and amounted to 131,180 tonnes. Pork exports in 2019 amounted to 2,260 tonnes, which is 28.6% more than in 2018. Pork imports to Ukraine last year decreased by 18.8%, to 23,190 tonnes.
Source: State Customs Service